S.A.M. Awards - New Hampshire Home Builders,
Gold Award - 2000
Landscape Construction
Residence, Govenors Island, Gilford, NH
Douglas H. Greiner, ASLA Landscape Architect for design - Landscape Construction by Tasker Landscaping
A Design/Build Collaboration
S.A.M. Awards - New Hampshire Home Builders, Gold Award - 1999
Landscape Construction
Private Camp, Derry, NH
Douglas H. Greiner, ASLA Landscape Architect for design - Landscape Construction by Tasker Landscaping
A Design/Build Collaboration
S.A.M. Awards - New Hampshire Home Builders, Gold Award - 1996
Landscape Construction
Residence, Londonderry, NH Douglas H. Greiner, ASLA Landscape Architect for design - Landscape Construction by Tasker Landscaping
A Design/Build Collaboration
Portland Cement Association, Residential Precast Concrete Pavement Award - 1994
Residence, Amherst, NH
Driveway paving design by Douglas H. Greiner, ASLA for design - Landscape Construction by Tasker Landscaping
A Design Build Collaboration
New Hampshire Landscape Association, Leon E. Pearson Award for Landscape Excellence - Honorable Mention - 1993
Residence, Londonderry, NH
design by Douglas H. Greiner, ASLA for design - Landscape Construction by Tasker Landscaping
A Design Build Collaboration
National Spa and Pool Institute, Award of Merit - 1986
Residence, Absarokee, MT Swimming pool, waterscape and landscape
National Spa and Pool Institute, Gold Award - 1983
Residence, Billings, Montana Swimming pool, waterscape and landscape
National Spa and Pool Institute, Bronze Award - 1981
Residence - Billings, Montana
Billings Gazette "Man of the Year " Award - 1978
for volunteer work in association with Landmarks, Inc., a national public service organization. Projects included the Division St. Triangle, Bus Park Mall and Grandview Triangle.